Introduction to Php

                    In those days the word Php reaching to the peak levels if compare with other platforms. Php becomes a big competitors for all, even for a Microsoft's Asp and so on.., Hence it is an alternative for all the platforms and its syntax is much similar to 'C' and Perl.

                    So, what is Php? Some people called Php as Personal Home Page, but technical word for Php is Hypertext Pre Processor. Php is a server side scripting language just like Asp. Obviously the scripts are
executed on the server only. Therefore, Php is a powerful scripting language for creating dynamic and static websites. So you people can ask what is dynamic? And what is static? Ok, any site is categorized in to two types. One is dynamic which means its database related project/site. This database can be for a login or for a registration or for a download or for an upload whatever it may be it should be related to database only of that site.

                    When coming to second one, which is called static which means it is a site without a database. These sites are seemed rarely because in those days everyone is using database for their sites as domains are getting in cheaper rates with min 1GB space.

                    One of the important concept in Php is LAMP. In LAMP
L stands for Linux fir windows.
A stands for Apache for web server.
M stands for Mysql database.
P stands for Php for front end.

                    The goodness of this software is it's a free software no need to purchase that's why Php related projects are much cheaper than java and .Net projects, Hence Php is an open source software.

                    As I told in above paragraph that these scripts are executed in server only, for that execution we execute in localhost by installing Xampp in our local computer, hence it acts as intranet to our computer and we also get database with this by going through localhost/phpmyadmin in the browser. Meanwhile Php supports many databases some of them are Mysql, Oracle, Solid, Postgresql and so on...

                    Some people can ask why we use Php rather than Jsp, Asp. As in Jsp we can open only  13 pages and in Asp we can open 43 pages only, but in Php we can open 49 pages. One of the important point is Php can run on different platforms (Linux, UNIX, Windows, etc...), it is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc...), Php can download free from the official Php resource: and it is easy to learn so that we can run efficiently on the server side.

Syntax :-


some_ statements
Example :-

Echo "HELLO";

Output: HELLO.

                    These are some of the valuable information and introduction regarding to Php.
Good Luck.

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